Use of Ultrasound Machine for Vascular Access


A vascular ultrasound is also known as a duplex study and is a non-invasive ultrasound method. This method is used for examining the circulation in the blood vessels in the body. Vascular ultrasound can be used to evaluate veins or arteries in almost every part of the body. This include blood vessels in the abdomen, neck, legs as well as arms. This procedure does not require any kind of anesthesia or needles.


Vascular ultrasound is basically used for evaluating the blood flow in the veins as well as the arteries for detecting the severity, presence and the exact location of the disease. This ultrasound technique can be used for diagnosing the narrowing of arteries. It also determines the severity of the narrowing. Vascular ultrasound can also be used for diagnosing blood clots in the veins of the legs and the arms, this condition is commonly known as the deep vein thrombosis or DVT. vascular-access-doppler-portable-70294-2911887

It is more difficult for vascular access in pediatric patients than in adults, this is because the vessels of kids are of a smaller size than that of the adults. Also, because the patient is not able to cooperate without general anesthesia or deep sedation. This has made ultrasound machines a very important tool for vascular access.

Ultrasound machines provide an improved image quality, not only this these machines offer a better understanding of optimal insertion techniques. With the help of this, medical practitioners can efficiently and very safely place the catheters with very few complications.

The vascular ultrasound treatment is very useful. One of the main reasons is that the process is non-invasive and it does not require any kind of exposure to contrast dye or radiation which generally damages the kidney. This treatment is also quite a useful treatment because because it is one of the few tests which provides physiological information about the blood flow in the veins or the arteries. Another advantage of the use of ultrasound machines is that they are highly portable as compared to other types of vascular imaging including MRIs or CT scans.